- 🚗With a total of 3580 premium & rich-in-lustre parts.
- 🚗Product Introduction: This model based on a notable sports car, this stunning model boasts excellent form with a double-wishbone suspension system both at the front & rear, offering optimal travel, hardness, and space between the wheels and fenders. The detachable engine hood, H-pattern gear shifter, and innovative transmission system make it a real car, incorporating a cool self-locking door mechanism that opens by triggering the door handle. And automatically locks itself, greatly increasing its playability.
- 🚗Features & Functions:
1:11 scale
HoG steering
V8 piston engine
very detailed interior
openable doors on both sides
realistic openable hood to reveal engine
pop-up headlights controlled by lever
automatic lighting of engine through openable hood
lighting in the back to simulate brake light/underground light