LOK Luna 17 (Ye-8 series) is an unmanned space mission of the Luna program, also known as Lunik 17. It deployed the first robotic rover on the lunar from Earth parking orbit towards the Moon and entered lunar orbit on November 15, 1970. The spacecraft made a soft landing in the Sea of Rains on the Moon with dual ramps through which the payload, Lunokhod 1, descended to the lunar surface.
Designed and authorized by NightHawk11991, this 1/20 spacecraft model features a cone-shaped antenna, a highly directional spiral antenna, 4 long-range spectrometers, an X-ray telescope, a cosmic ray detector, and a laser retroreflector. Designed with exquisite and compact appearance in an appropriate level of details that is user-friendly for most individuals. The two parts can be assembled and separated for interactive play. The excellent smooth model in consistent color offers high visual appeal and collectible value.